Day Thirteen: Rahab
Written by Pastor Ange
Rahab was a prostitute. She worshipped false gods and was a liar. Her nation was doomed to destruction. Yet, her name is listed in the Bible’s list of faith heroes. To say that she was an unlikely hero is an incredible understatement. But the faith of Rahab changed the course of her life forever, and God used her in a mighty way. Please read some of her story in Joshua 2:1-24.
Rahab had reason to fear. She risked her life to help spies escape. Spies, men she did not know, who could easily have killed her. But she feared the God of Israel more than she feared the men in her city. She had heard numerous stories of the God who won battles for the Israelites “and our hearts melted in fear and everyone’s courage because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on earth below.” (Joshua 2:11) She knew that God would give them the win against her own city. The men trusted her, they saw how their God had given her faith through His deliverance of them.
Rahab trusted God. She knew very little about Him other than the fact that He helped the Israelites accomplish the impossible. That was enough for her to believe that He was the one true God. What do you do when you are confronted by God and find you are on the wrong side of Him, you change your allegiance! The Bible tells us that she had faith that backed up her actions. In her faith, she risked her life to help the Jewish spies leave the city unharmed. And because of her faith, she and her family were spared when the walls of Jericho came tumbling down.
By faith Rahab the harlot did not perish along with those who were disobedient, after she had welcomed the spies in peace. – Hebrews 11:31 But that’s not all… She ended up being a part of Jesus’ bloodline. A prostitute from Jericho became the great, great-grandmother of King David as the wife of Salmon. The faith and actions of Rahab not only saved her from destruction, but gave her a place in the family of God. For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. – James 2:24-26
God is not limited by anyone’s past. In fact, He often uses much of our past for His glory. Rahab is the perfect example of how God can use any life that is willing. We often look back at our lives and wonder how on earth God could possibly use us. This is one of the enemy’s favourite lies to tell. God is NOT limited by your past. In fact, the Bible describes your new life in Him as a clean slate. Your past sins are literally “blotted out.” And more often than not, God will use whatever you have been through in life to bring about His glory and purpose just like Rahab.