Day Ten: Gideon Pt. 1
Written by Ian Prentice
Judges 6:1 – 8:33 record the account of Gideon and his encounters and interactions with God. There are 3 days to this devotional, and I encourage you to read the passage listed here over the next few days. I trust they may speak to you as they have to me.
Chapter 6:1-24
Gideon’s story is part of a cycle of years when the people of God, after walking in obedience for a time, turned away from God, worshipping idols and disobeying the commands they had been given. After a time, the people eventually repented, and God heard their cries, rescued, and restored them and their lands.
During one of the times of oppression, God sent his angel to Gideon who is threshing wheat in a winepress so the enemy did not see him. When reminded by the angel that “the Lord is with you”. Gideon asks where is He, “why are we not seeing Him in action?”
The angel of God commands Gideon “Go in the strength you have…” Gideon states he is from the clan that is the weakest of the tribe and he himself is the weakest of his family. All Gideon could notice was his seeming weakness and history of weakness that existed in his family.
There was no argument from God about that – His response was simply, “I will be with you….”
God knew Gideon – his strengths and his weaknesses or vulnerabilities. God knew him better than anyone else. Through this whole account about Gideon, not once did God seem to be angry or disappointed in Gideon when Gideon questioned God or put God to the test. He just stated – “Go in the strength you have”.
The first test – In chapter 6 Gideon asks for a sign that God is the one talking to him. God faithfully confirms it by having flame come out of a rock to consume the sacrifice Gideon had prepared. Gideon responded, “Ah I have seen the angel of The Lord face to face”. He was afraid he would now die. God said to him, “Be at Peace! You will not die”.
God had a mission for Gideon and accepted Gideon’s doubt and uncertainty. Why?
I believe God was okay with Gideon’s doubt and uncertainty because He knew Gideon better than anyone else. He knew Gideon had a heart for God’s people. God also had a purpose in mind that was bigger than just him. Are we as honest with God about how we feel and open to hearing what God may say?
God, may I be ready to hear you and respond to your call.