Sept 12th: <Coming Soon>
Sept 5th: <Coming Soon>
August 29th: <Coming Soon>
August 22nd: <Coming Soon>
August 15th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Isolation vs Community (Ecc 4:7-16)(Ecclesiastes – Life Under the Sun Series)
August 8th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Life in an Unjust World (Ecc 3:16 – 4:6) (Ecclesiastes – Life Under the Sun Series)
August 1st: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: A Time for Everything (Ecc 3:1-15) (Ecclesiastes – Life Under the Sun Series)
July 25th: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: Emptiness in our Work (Ecc 2:18-26) (Ecclesiastes – Life Under the Sun Series)
July 18th: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: The Pursuit of Happiness (Ecc 2:1-17) (Ecclesiastes – Life Under the Sun Series)
July 11th: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: All is Vanity (Ecc 1;1-18) (Ecclesiastes – Life Under the Sun Series)
July 4th: Ian Prentice Audio: Sermon Audio
June 27th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Colossians 4 (Colossians: Holy and Faithful People series)
June 20th: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: Prayer (Colossians: Holy and Faithful People series)
June 13th: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: Relationships (Colossians: Holy and Faithful People series)
June 6th: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: Living in Christ (Colossians: Holy and Faithful People series)
May 30th: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: Sermon Audio(Colossians: Holy and Faithful People series)
May 23rd: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: You do what? (Colossians: Holy and Faithful People series)
May 16th: Phil Hotchkins Audio: Sermon Audio
May 9th: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: When I don’t feel Faithful (Colossians: Holy and Faithful People series)
May 2nd: Alan Akers Audio: Sermon Audio
April 25th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Sermon Audio
April 18th: Ian Prentice Audio: Sermon Audio
April 11th: Ray Smith Audio: Sermon Audio
April 4th (Easter Sunday): Steve Van Der Poel Audio: Sermon Audio
April 2nd (Good Friday): Full Service Audio
March 28th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Palm Sunday
March 21st: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: Sermon Audio
March 14th: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: Sermon Audio
March 7th: <name>Audio: Sermon Audio
February 28th: <name> Audio: Sermon Audio
February 21st: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: Sermon Audio
February 14th: Steve Van Der Poel Audio: Sermon Audio
February 7th: Julie Tyler Audio: Sermon Audio
January 31st: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Sermon Audio
January 24th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Sermon Audio
January 17th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Sermon Audio
January 10th: Ray Smith Audio: Sermon Audio
January 3rd: Dave Palmer Audio: Sermon Audio
December 27th: Audio not available
December 25th (Christmas Day): Audio not available
December 20th: Alan Akers Audio: Sermon Audio
December 13th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Starry Nights & Bright Lights
December 6th: Alan Akers Audio: Sermon Audio
November 29th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: The Parable of the 10 Virgins (Once Upon a Parable Series)
November 22nd: Andrew Tyler Audio: The Great Banquet (Once Upon a Parable Series)
November 15th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: The Prodigal Son (Once Upon a Parable Series)
November 8th: Ray Smith Audio: The Tenant Farmers (Once Upon a Parable Series)
November 1st: Alan Akers Audio: The Unforgiving Servant (Once Upon a Parable Series)
October 25th: Kevin Carlson Audio: Hidden Treasure/Pearl of Great Price (Once Upon a Parable Series)
October 18th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: The Good Samaritan (Once Upon a Parable Series)
October 11th: Alan Akers Audio: The Sower (Once Upon a Parable Series)
October 4th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Being a Jesus-Centred Community (Galatians: Gospel of Grace Series)
September 27th: Alan Akers Audio: Living Life in the Holy Spirit (Galatians: Gospel of Grace Series)
September 20th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Free to Love (Galatians: Gospel of Grace Series)
September 13th: Ray Smith Audio: Guard Your Freedom! (Galatians: Gospel of Grace Series)
September 6th: Alan Akers Audio: Fathers Day
August 30th: Alan Akers Audio: Enjoying Freedom as God’s Children (Galatians: Gospel of Grace Series)
August 23rd: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Receiving what God has Promised Us (Galatians: Gospel of Grace Series)
August 16th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: The Liberating Power of Faith (Galatians: Gospel of Grace Series)
August 9th: Alan Akers Audio: Grace Enables Authentic Community (Galatians: Gospel of Grace Series)
August 2nd: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: God’s Grace Transforms People (Galatians: Gospel of Grace Series)
July 26th: Lisa Detlefsen Audio: I Am the Way, The Truth and The Life (I am… Series)
July 19th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: I Am the Light of the World (I am… Series)
July 12th: Alan Akers Audio: I Am the Resurrection & The Life (I am… Series)
July 5th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: I Am the Bread of Life (I am… Series)
June 28th: Kevin Carlson Audio: I Am the Good Shepherd (I am… Series)
June 21st: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: I Am the Rock (I am… Series)
June 14th: Alan Akers Audio: I Am the Vine (I am… Series)
June 7th: Ray Smith Audio: I AM who I AM (I am… Series)
May 31st: Alan Akers Audio: Pentecost
May 24th: Ruth Thomas Audio: World Hope (Missions Spot)
May 17th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Prayer of Jabez (People in Prayer: Jabez)
May 10th: Rex Rigby Audio: Mother’s day message
May 3rd: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Hannah’s Prayer (People in Prayer: Hannah)
April 26th: Alan Akers Audio: Paul (People in prayer: Paul)
April 19th: Kane Crawford Audio: Daniel (People in Prayer: Daniel)
April 12th: Alan Akers Audio: Easter Sunday
April 10th (Good Friday): Church Family Video (
April 5th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Jesus Prayer from the Cross (People in Prayer: Jesus)
March 29th: Dave Palmer Audio: Jesus Prayer in John 17 (People in Prayer: Jesus)
March 22nd: Natalie Crawford Audio: Expectations of God
March 15th: Ray Smith Audio: How to pray like King David (People in Prayer: David)
March 8th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Shining Faces (People in Prayer: Moses)
March 1st: Alan Akers Audio: Wrestling with God? (People in Prayer: Jacob)
February 23rd: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Unexpected Guests (People in Prayer: Abraham)
February 16th: Kane Crawford Audio: Israel Trip
February 9th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: New Beginnings
February 2nd: Alan Akers Audio: The Man in the Middle
January 26th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: God Breathes life
January 19th: Ray Smith Audio: And on the 8th day…
January 12th: Audio Unavailable
January 5th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Do not be afraid!
December 29th: Alan Akers Audio: Godliness with contentment
December 15th: Alan Akers Audio: Don’t spoil Christmas
December 8th: Kane Crawford Audio: What does God look like
December 1st: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Humble Hospitality (Bonus: Communion)
November 24th: Alan Akers Audio: How far do I have to go … to be considered a missionary
November 17th: Amy Tyler Audio: Being God’s Heir
November 10th: Ray Smith Audio: Jude…Contending for the Faith
November 3rd: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Love & Truth
October 27th: Ray Smith Audio: How we get over Yesterday Seminar Audio: Getting over Yesterday
October 20th: Alan Akers Audio: Blessed Assurance
October 13th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Love & Sacrifice
October 6th: Alan Akers Audio: Faith on Fire!
September 29th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Jesus: Love, Light and Liberty (1 John 1)
September 22nd: Ange van der leeuw Audio: Armour of God (Ephesians Pt. 8)
September 15th: Alan Akers Audio: Relationships that work (Ephesians Pt. 7)
September 8th: Alan Akers Audio: A better way to live (Ephesians pt. 6)
September 1st: Fathers Day Audio: Not Available
August 25th: Ange van der leeuw Audio: Unity, Diversity and Maturity (Ephesians pt. 5)
August 18th: Stephen Franzi Audio: (GUEST SPEAKER) Gideons
August 11th: Ange van der leeuw Audio: Message and Mystery (Ephesians Pt. 4)
August 4th: Alan Akers Audio: Glorious Transformation! (Ephesians Pt. 3)
July 28th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Paul at Prayer (Ephesians Pt. 2)
July 21st: Ray Smith Audio: You’ve got it all (Ephesians Pt. 1)
July 14th: Alan Akers Audio: Building stronger families
July 7th: Alan Akers Audio: Links in a chain
June 30th; Ange van der leeuw Audio: Family Trees
June 23rd: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Ruth 4
June 16th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Ruth 3
June 9th: Dave Palmer Audio: Filled with the Spirit
June 2nd: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Ruth 2
May 26th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Ruth 1
May 19th: Phil Hotchkin Audio: How to Maintain Hope
May 12th: Ruth Prentice Audio: Mothers Day
May 5th: Alan Akers Audio: Godly Leadership – Good Citizens
April 21st: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Easter Sunday
April 19th: Di Duursma Audio: Good Friday
April 14th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: You’re free to go
April 5th: Alan Akers Audio: A call to obedience
March 31st: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Fools for Christ
March 24th: Alan Akers Audio: Reflect, Reset, Resume
March 17th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: For Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory Forever AMEN
March 10th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Lead Us Not Into Temptation
March 3rd: Alan Akers Audio: Baptism
February 24th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Forgive Us Our Debts
February 17th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Our Daily Bread
February 10th: Ray Smith Audio: Your Kingdom Come
February 3rd – Café Church: Nat Crawford Audio: CAFE Church Natalie Crawford
February 3rd: Alan Akers Audio: Hallowed Be Thy Name
January 27th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Our Father, Who is in Heaven
January 20th: Alan Akers Audio: God Wants Me to Be Holy
January 13th: Thomas & Claire Baertschi Audio: MAF Baertschi’s
January 6th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: The Frontline
December 30th: Alan Akers Audio: Open Doors (Closed Minds)
December 23rd: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Make Room
December 16th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Jesus Name Above All Names
December 9th: Alan Akers Audio: Our Prince of Peace
December 7th: IMPACT SERVICE – Lucy Tharratt Audio: Impact – Lucy Tharratt
December 2nd: Alan Akers Audio: A Living Hope
November 25th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Worship Service
November 18th: Alan Akers Audio: Worship – Where and When pt 3
November 11th: Alan Akers Audio: Worship – How and Why – pt 2
November 4th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Worship Pt1
October 28th: Andy Parker Audio: Andy Parker
October 21st: David Collins Audio: David Collins Missionary Talk
October 14th: Kevin Carlson Audio: How Old is Old pt.2
October 7th: Kevin Carlson Audio: How Old is Old
September 30th: Ray Smith Audio: Be Kind to One Another
September 23rd: Bron Wright Audio: Accept One Another
September 16th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Living in Harmony with One Another
September 9th: David Palmer Audio: Pray for one another
September 2nd: Graeme Walker Audio: Father’s Day 2018
August 26th: Alan Akers Audio: Bear With One Another
August 19: Kevin Carlson Audio: Admonish One Another
August 12: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Welcome One another
August 5th: Ruth Prentice Audio: Bear One Anothers Burdens
July 29th: Ray Smith Audio: Forgive One Another
July 22nd: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Encourage One Another
July 15th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Audio Unavailable Transcript: Belonging to One Another
July 8th: Alan Akers Audio: Love One Another
July 1st: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Bound for Glory
June 24th: Alan Akers Audio: Romans 15
June 17th: Alan Akers Audio: Just Like Us
June 10th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Shades of Gra(y)ce
June 3rd: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Citizens of Earth and Heaven
May 27th: Alan Akers Audio: The Christians Greatest Challenge
May 20th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Bearers of Light and Grace
May 13th: Mothers Day Speakers Audio: Audio Unavailable
May 6th: Rose Bugusu Audio: Rose Bagusu
April 29th: Rex Rigby Audio: Audio Unavailable
April 22nd: Ray Smith Audio: How and When will the Jews find Jesus
April 15th: Ray Smith Audio: The spiritual condition of israel
April 8th: Kane Crawford Audio: Romans 8
April 1st: Alan Akers Audio: Personal Encounters
March 25th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: G..
March 18th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: The Battle within
March 11th: Alan Akers Audio: How Should A Christian Live
March 4th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: United By Grace Transcript: Romans 5 -Transcript
February 25th: Kevin Carlson Audio: How To live by faith
February 18th: Alan Akers Audio: The Heart of the Gospel
February 11th: Alan Akers Audio: Prayer Source of Our power
February 4th: Alan Akers Audio: Sin is Serious!
January 28th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Introduction to Romans Transcript: Romans 1
January 21st: Alan Akers Audio: Extraordinary!
January 14th: Alan Akers Audio: Ordinary
January 7th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Unavailable Transcript: What’s in a Name – Transcript
December 31st: Alan Akers Audio: Moving On
December 24th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Peace Transcript: 4th Advent – PEACE – TRANSCRIPT
December 17th: Alan Akers Audio: Love!
December 10th: Kane Crawford Audio: Joy
Decmeber 3rd: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Advent Series Hope Transcript: Ist Advent – HOPE
November 26th: Ruth Thomas Audio: Unavailable
November 19th: Ray Smith Audio: What can you impart
November 12th: David Palmer Audio: Fear, Folly Fraud or Freedom Transcript: Fear Folly Fraud or Freedom
November 5th: Alan Akers Audio: Then Sings my soul
October 29th Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Malachi Transcript: Malachi
October 22nd: Alan Akers Audio: Zechariah
October 15th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Haggai Transcript: HAGGAI
October 8th: Kane Crawford Audio: Habakkuk
October 1st: Ray Smith Audio: Zephaniah
September 24th : Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Nahum Transcript: Nahum
September 17th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Amos Transcript: Amos
September 10th: Alan Akers Audio: Hosea
September 3rd: Graeme Walker Audio: Protecting The Men
August 27th: Kevin Carlson Audio: JONAH
August 20th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: JOEL Transcript: JOEL
August 13th: Alan Akers Audio: Obadiah
August 6th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Spiritual Spinach Transcript: Spiritual Spinach
July 30th: Alan Akers Audio: Sharing the Vision
July 23rd: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: I make all things new Transcript: I Make All Things New
July 16th: Alan Akers Audio: The Dragon, the Beast – and all things evil
July 9th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Zephaniah Transcript: Zephaniah
July 2nd: Ray Smith Audio: 3 Series of Judgements
June 25th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Heavenly Worship Transcript: Heavenly Worship
June 18th: Ray Smith Audio: Gods Word to the Seven Churches of Revelation
June 11th: Alan Akers Audio: Introducing Revelation
June: 4th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: Surprises, Signs & Secrets Transcript: Surprises, Signs & Secrets
May 28th: Alan Akers Audio: Two Testaments
May 21st: Emily Hunter Audio: Mission Guest Speaker – Emily Hunter
May 7th: Andrew Tyler Audio: Forgiveness
April 30th: Ange van der Leeuw Transcript: Why do bad things happen to good people Audio: why do bad things happen
April 23rd: Alan Akers Audio: Christ will come again
April 16th: Alan Akers Audio: Easter Sunday – The Best Day..
April 9th: Ange van der Leeuw Transcript: Honoured Guests Transcript Audio: Honoured Guests
April 2nd: Ange van der Leeuw Transcript: Carrying Your Cross Audio: Carrying Your Cross
March 26th: Ange van der Leeuw Transcript: Luke Meals Transcript 26-3-17
March 5th: Alan Akers Audio: It takes a village
February 26th: Ange van der Leeuw Transcript: Grief – JESUS Wept Audio: Griof- Jesus Wept
February 19th: Gideon’s Audio: Unavailable, Sorry for any inconvenience
February 12th: Alan Akers Audio: Unavailable, Sorry for any inconvenience
February 5th: Alan Akers Audio: Law and Gospel
January 29th: Ange van der Leeuw Audio: The Greatest Commandment Pt2 Transcript: Love Your neighbour
January 22nd 2017: Ange van der Leeuw Transcript: Love the Lord Your God Audio: The Greatest Commandment
January 15th 2017: Rev. Phil Hotchkin Audio: Women in Leadership
January 8th 2017: Pastor Alan Akers Audio: Jesus prays for us
January 1st 2017: Pastor Alan Akers Audio: A Brand New Year
December 24th: Pastor Alan Akers Audio: Magnificent
December 11th: Pastor David Lloyd Audio: Children following Jesus
November 20th: Pastor David Lloyd Audio: Tell Somebody
November 13th: Pastor Alan Akers Audio: Finding Another Way
November 6th: MAF- Baertschi’s Audio: MAF
October 30th: Ange van der Leeuw Transcript: Vulnerability Audio: The Value of Vulnerability
October 23rd: Pastor Alan Akers Audio: Know Yourself 3
October 16th: Barry Buirski Audio: Gospel in the Feasts
October 9th: Pastor David Lloyd Transcript: Please Heal Me Lord Audio: Please Heal Me Lord
October 2nd: Pastor Alan Akers Transcript: Know Yourself pt 2 Audio: Know Yourself pt. 2
September 25th: Rev. Phil Hotchkin TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO UNAVAILABLE
September 18th: Pastor Alan Akers Transcript: Know Yourself
September 11th: Pastor David Lloyd Transcript: Worshiping Together Audio: Worshiping Together
September 4th: Pastor Alan Akers Transcript: understanding-a-fathers-heart Audio: UNAVAILABLE (sorry for any inconvenience)
August 28th: Pastor Alan Akers the-power-of-us: Audio: The Power of Us
August 21st: Ange van der Leeuw Transcript: Growing Together – We Do Forgiveness Audio: Growing Together
August 14th: Pastor David Lloyd Audio: Belonging
August 7th: Pastor Alan Akers Audio: Reaching out
July 31st: Pastor Alan Akers Message: Better Together 1 Created For Community Audio: Created For Community
July 24th: Pastor David Lloyd Audio: Why Worry
July 17th: Ange van der Leeuw Message: Euthanasia Audio: Euthanasia Study Notes: Study Notes Euthanasia- Ange V
July 10th: Pastor Alan Akers Message: Sharing The Good News With Others Audio: Sharing the Good news with others
July 3rd: Pastor Alan Akers Message: Searching The Scriptures Audio: Searching the Scriptures
June 26th: Pastor David Lloyd Audio: Paul’s Second Missionary Journey – A Simple Message
June 19th: Pastor Alan Akers Message: When Good Friends Fall Out Audio: When Good Friends Fall Out
June 12th: Pastor Alan Akers Message: How Am I Saved Study: How Am I Saved Audio: How Am I Saved
June 5th: Ange van der Leeuw Message: A Big Day Out Study: A Big Day Out study notes Audio: A Risky Big Day Out
May 29th: Pastor David Lloyd Message: Paul’s first Missionary Journey Part 2 Study: Paul’s First Missionary Journey Part 2 Study Audio: Pauls First Journey Pt 2
May 22nd: Pastor David Lloyd Message: Pauls first Missionary Journey Part 1 Study: Pauls First Missionary Journey Pt 1 study Audio: Pauls First Journey Pt 1
May 15th: Pastor Alan Akers Message: God’s Role and Ours Study: God’s Role and Ours Study Audio: God’s Role and Ours
May 8th: Mother’s Day Audio: Mothers Day Karen Lang Mothers Day Bron Wright
May 1st: Ange van der Leeuw Message: COUNT IT ALL JOY Study Notes: COUNT IT ALL JOY Audio: Count It All Joy
April 24th: Pastor Alan Akers Message: Claiming Our Children For God Audio: Claiming our children for God
April 17th: Alison Buttenshaw Audio: CAP Presentation
April 10th: Graham Brodie Audio: Gideon Message
April 3rd: Pastor David Lloyd Message: Know your Enemy Audio: Know your enemy
March 27th: Pastor Alan Akers Message: Quo Vadis Audio: Quo Vadis (Where are you going)
March 20th: Ange van der Leeuw Message:The Good Shepherd Transcript Study Notes: The Good Shepherd Study Notes for Ange V Audio: The Good Shepherd
March 13th: Pastor Alan Akers Message: When It Gets Tough Study Notes: When It Gets Tough study Audio: When It Gets Tough
March 6th: Pastor David Message: Overwhelmed – Look beyond the Valley Study Notes: Overwhelmed- Look Beyond the Valley study Audio: Overwhelmed- Look Beyond the Valley
February 28th: Pastor Alan Message: Preparing for Easter Study Notes: Preparing for Easter study Audio: Preparing for Easter
February 21st: Pastor David Message: Ministry of One Another Study Notes: Ministry of One Another study Audio: The Ministry of One Another
February 14th: Pastor Alan Message: Thinking Like Jesus Study Notes: Thinking Like Jesus study Audio: Thinking Like Jesus
February 7th: Pastor Alan Message: Guarding Our Minds Study Notes: Guarding Our Minds study Audio: Guarding our minds
January 31st: Pastor David Message: Prayers God Cannot Ignore Study Notes: Prayers God Cannot Ignore study Audio: Prayers God Cannot Ignore
January 24th: Ange van der Leeuw Message: God The Rock Audio: God the Rock
January 17th: Pastor Alan: Message: Giving To Grow Gods Kingdom Audio: Giving to Grow God’s Kingdom
January 10th: Pastor David Message: Remaining Salty in 2016 Audio: Remain Salty
January 3rd: Pastor Alan Message: Living Well In 2016 Audio: Living Well – in 2016
December 27th: Pastor Alan: Message:A Wide Open Door Audio: A wide Open Door
December 20th: Pastor David: Message: God became flesh and stepped into our darkness Audio: God became flesh and stepped into our darkness….
December 13th: Pastor Alan Message: Audio: Christmas Through Joseph’s Eyes
December 6th: Pastor Alan Message: Into The Mess Study Notes: Into the Mess – study Audio: Into the mess
November 22nd: John Arnold Audio: Missions Sunday – John Arnold
November 15th: Pastor David Message: Joel Part 2 – Going Deeper Study Notes: Joel Part 2 Going Deeper study Audio: Joel part 2 Going deeper
November 8th: Pastor David Message: Joel Part 1 – Repentance Study Notes: Joel Part 1 – Repentance Study Audio: Not this week , sorry
November 1st: Pastor Alan Message: God Wants Our Love Study Notes: God Wants Our Love study Audio: God Wants Our Love
October 25th: Pastor Alan Message: Understanding How God Feels Study Notes: Understanding How God Feels study Audio: Not this week, sorry
October 18th: Pastor David Message: One (won) for Jesus Audio: One for Jesus Study Notes: One (won) for Jesus
October 11th: Ange van der Leeuw Message: Encouragement …not an optional extra Study Notes: Encouragement …not an optional extra Study Notes Audio: Encouragement… not an optional extra
October 4th: Pastor Alan Message: Follow…Me Study Notes: Follow Me Audio: Follow..Me
September 27th: Ray Smith Message: Living a Productive Life Audio: Living a Productive Life
September 20th: Pastor David Message: Strong Marriages and Strong Churches Audio: Strong Marriages & Strong Churches
September 13th: Pastor Alan Message: Marriage God’s Precious Gift Study Notes: Marriage God’s Precious Gift study Audio: Marriage God’s Precious Gift
September 6th: Pastor Alan Message: Interceding For Our Families Study Notes: Interceding For Our Families study Audio: Interceding For Our Families
August 30th: Pastor Alan Message: The Thing That Defines Us Study Notes: The Thing That Defines Us study Audio: Not available sorry
August 23rd: Pastor David Message: Turning Darkness into Light Study Notes: Turning Darkness into Light study Audio: Turning Darkness into Light
August 16th: Pastor Alan Message: Consider Him Study Notes: Consider Him study Audio:
August 9th: Pastor Alan Message: Generous Measures Study Notes: Generous Measure study Audio: Generous Measure
August 2nd: Pastor Alan Message: Turned Around Study Notes: Turned Around Study Audio: Turned Around
July 26th: Pastor David Message: Phillip the Evangelist Study Notes: Phillip the Evangelist study Audio: Phillip the Evangelist
July 19th: Ange van der Leeuw Message: Child Like or Childish Study Notes: Child Like or Childish study Audio: Child-Like or Childish.
July 12th: Pastor Alan Message: Under Fire Study Notes: Under Fire study Audio: Under Fire!
July 5th: Pastor Alan Message: Setting Priorities Study Notes: Setting Priorities Study Audio: Setting Priorities
June 28th: Pastor Alan Message: Dishonest To God Study Notes: Dishonest to God Study Audio: Dishonest to God
June 21st: Pastor David Message: Life in the Early Church Study Notes: Life in the Early Church study Audio: Life in the Early Church
June 14th: Pastor Alan Message: Speaking Out Study Notes: Speaking Out study Audio: Speaking Out
June 7th Pastor Alan Message: Using What God Has Given Study Notes: Using What God Has Given study Audio: Not available
May 31st Pastor David Message: Pentecost What a Blessing Study Notes: Pentecost What a Blessing Study Audio: Pentecost What a Blessing
May 24th Pastor Alan Message: Understanding Pentecost Study Notes: Understanding Pentecost Study Audio: Understanding Pentecost
May 17th Pastor Alan Message: Psalm 51When Convicted Of Sin Study Notes: Psalm 51 When Convicted of Sin study Audio: None this week, sorry
May 10th Mother’s Day Pastor Alan Message: Understanding Gods Heart Study Notes: Understanding Gods Heart study Audio: Understanding God’s Heart
May 3rd Pastor David Message:Trust in God Alone Study Notes: Trust in God Alone Audio: Trust In God Alone
April 26th David Holmes- Gideons
April 19th Ange van der Leeuw Message: Lament Psalm 13 Study Notes: Study Notes LAMENT a Long Winter Audio: Lament- A long winter
April 12th Pastor Alan Message: Psalms 1 The Glory Of God Psalm 19 Study Notes: The Glory of God Audio: The Glory of God
April 5th Pastor David Message: Easter Sunday message Audio: Easter – The Greatest Love Story Ever Told
April 3rd: Good Friday Pastor Alan Message: Waiting Audio: Good Friday
March 29th: Pastor Alan Message: That They May Be One Audio: That They May Be One
March 22nd: Pastor David Message: A Sacrifice for Others Study Notes: A Sacrifice for Others Study Audio:Preparing for the Cross – A Sacrifice for Others
March 15th Ray Smith Message Audio: A matter of perspective Study Notes: Study Notes A Matter of Perspective
March 8th Pastor David Message: Cost of Following Jesus Study Notes: Cost of Following Jesus study Audio: Cost of Following Jesus
March 1st Pastor Alan Message: A Heart Like Gods Heart Study Notes: A Heart Like Gods Heart study Audio: A Heart Like Gods Heart
February 22nd Pastor Alan Message: Priceless Study Notes: Priceless Study Audio: Priceless
February 15th Pastor Alan Message: Rhythm Of Life Audio: The Rhythm of Life Study Notes: Rhythm of LIfe
February 8th Pastor Alan Message: Living With Change Audio: Unavailable this week Study Notes: Living with Change study
February 1st Pastor David Message:Sexual Holiness Audio: Sexual Holiness Study Notes: Sexual Holiness
January 25th Pastor Alan Message: Bloom Where You’re Planted Audio: Bloom Where You’re Planted
January 18th Pastor Alan Message: Moved By Compassion Audio: Moved by Compassion
January 11th Pastor David Message: Reasons to Trust God Audio: 2015-01-11 Trust God in 2015
January 4th Pastor Alan Message: Audio: A Fresh Start
December 28th Pastor Alan Message: Truly Blessed Audio: Truly Blessed
December 21st Pastor Alan Message: Sleeping On The Job Audio: Sleeping on the Job
December 14th Pastor David Audio: Raising the Next Generation to Follow Jesus
December 7th Ange van der Leeuw Message: What do you give a King Study Notes: Audio: Not available this week
November 30th Pastor Alan Message: Colossians Serving Together Study Notes: Serving Together Audio: Serving Together
November 23rd Max Chapman Message: Nov 23rd Flying for Life MAF
November 16th Pastor David Message: Nov 16th Honour Christ at Home at Work Study Notes: Nov 16 HomeGroupBibleStudy Audio: Honouring Christ and work and home2
November 9th David Collins Study Notes: Audio: Gods hand upon our lives
November 2nd Pastor Alan Message: Colossians Living to Please God Study Notes:Study Notes Living To Please God Audio: Living to Please God – Nov 2nd
October 26th Message: Colossians – Freedom in Christ Study Notes: Freedom in Christ Study Notes Audio: Freedom in Christ
October 19th Message: Oct 19th 2014 Faithful Servants Study Notes:Home Group Bible Study Faithful Servants Audio Faithful Servants
: October 12th Pastor David Message: 12th Oct 2014 Jesus Super Supreme Study Notes: 12th Oct 2014 HomeGroupBibleStudy Audio:Jesus Super Supreme
October 5th Message: Oct 5th 2014 In Christ Alone Colossians 1 What God Has Done Study Notes: Oct 5th HomeGroupBibleStudy WhatGodHasDone Audio: What God Has Done
September 28th Message: Sept 28th Please Help Me Lord Audio: Please help me Lord
September 21st Message: 21 Sept 2014 Weeds! Audio: Weeds
September 14th Message: Sept 14 2014 Known By God Study Notes: Sept 14 2014 Home Group Bible Study
September 7th Study Notes: Sept 7th 2014 HomeGroupBibleStudy – Fathers Day Audio: Fathers Day
August 31st Pastor David: Written Message: Aug 31st 2014 The Holy Presence of God Study Notes: Aug 31 HomeGroupBibleStudy Audio: Aug 31 The Holy Presence of God
August 24th Pastor Alan: Written Message: Aug 24th New Wineskins Study Notes: Aug 24th HomeGroupBibleStudy Audio: New Wineskins
August 17th Pastor Alan: Written Message: Aug 17th 2014 TheGreatParadox Study Notes: Aug 17th HomeGroupBibleStudy Audio: The Great Paradox
August 10th Pastor David: Written Message: 10th Aug 2014 Peace with God Study Notes: Aug 10 HomeGroupBibleStudy Audio: Peace with God
August 3rd Pastor Alan:Written Message:Aug 3 Facing The Storms Of Life Study Notes: Aug 3 HomeGroupBibleStudy Audio: Facing the Storms of Life
July 27th Pastor David: Written Message: 27th July 2014 GIving Away Gods Resources Study Notes: 27th July 2014 Study questions Audio: Giving Away Gods Resources
July 20th Pastor Alan: Written Message:20th July GenerousPeople2 Study Notes: 20th July 2014 What Kind of People 2
July 13th Pastor Alan: Written Message: 13th July 2014 What Kind Of People Study Notes: 13th July 2014 Study Questions AUDIO: What Kind of People
July 6th Pastor Alan Written Message:6th July 2014 Why Wesleyan Study Notes: 6th July 2014 HomeGroupBibleStudy AUDIO: Why Wesleyan
June 29th Pastor David AUDIO: Opportunities to Share the Good News Written Message: June 29 2014 Opportunities to share the Good News
June 22nd Pastor Alan AUDIO: Ready and Available Opportunities Missed Written Message: Ready And Available Study Notes: Home Group Bible Study
June 15th Pastor Alan AUDIO: The Power of StoryWritten Message: The Power Of Story Study Notes: Home GroupBibleStudy
June 8th Pastor David Written Message: June 8th 2014 Prayer that is Persistent and Bold Study Notes: June 8th 2014 Home Group BibleStudy
J Shelling8th June PM Combined Pentecost Service ‘The Connection Between Shavuot and Pentecost’ AUDIO: Shavuot and Pentecost
June 1st Pastor Alan AUDIO: Understanding the secular mind June 1st 2014 Written Message: UnderstandingTheSecularMind2 Study Notes: HomeGroupBibleStudy June 1st
May 25th Pastor Alan AUDIO: May 25 2014 Confessions of a Reluctant Evangelist Written Message: ConfessionsOfAReluctantEvangelist2 Study Notes: 140525HomeGroupBibleStudy
May 18th Pastor Alan AUDIO: May18 2014 Deciding for our families, Written Message: May 18th DecidingForOurFamilies2 Study Notes: May 18th HomeGroupBibleStudy
May 11th Rachel Dalzotto, Nikita Scherer & Bec Lanham AUDIO: May 11 2014 Bec, Rachel and Nikita Study Notes: HomeGroupBibleStudy
May 4th Pastor David AUDIO: Developing a Passion to Reach the Lost Written Message: May 4th 2014 Developing a Passion to reach the Lost Study Notes: May 4th HomeGroupBibleStudy
April 27th Pastor David AUDIO: Evangelism series1 The Need for Salvation Written Message: April 27th 14 Evangelism 1 The need for salvation Study Notes: April 27th 2014 HomeGroupBibleStudy
April 20th Pastor Alan Easter Sunday AUDIO: Defiant hope Written Message: Easter Sunday Defiant Hope Study Notes: April 20th 2014 HomeGroupBibleStudy
Pastor David Good Friday Written Message: Good Friday Agony of the Cross
April 13th Ange van der Leeuw (sorry, no audio this week) Written Message: April 13th Extravagance and Treachery
April 6th Pastor David AUDIO: Looking towards the Cross Can Jesus deliver Written Message: April 6th 2014 Looking towards the Cross Can Jesus Deliver
March 23rd Pastor Alan AUDIO: One Thing I Do Written Message: March 23 2014 Rebuilding 5 One Thing Study Notes: March 23rd HomeGroupBibleStudy
March 16th Pastor Alan AUDIO: Rebuilding 4 Hard Going Written Message: Rebuilding 4 Hard Going Study Notes: March 16 HomeGroupBibleStudy
March 9th Pastor David AUDIO: Having a Vision Written Message: Nehemiah #3 Study Notes: March 9th HomeGroupBibleStudy
March 2nd Pastor Alan AUDIO: Come to me Written Message: Come To Me Study Notes: March 2nd HomeGroupBibleStudy
Feb 23rd Barry Borneman AUDIO: Feb 23rd 2014 Barry Borneman Study Notes: Feb 23rd HomeGroupBibleStudy
Feb 16th Pastor David AUDIO: 2014-02-16 Rebuilding the Wall – Time To Move Written Message: Feb 16 Time to Move Study Notes: Feb 16 HomeGroupBibleStudy
Feb 9th Pastor Alan AUDIO: Rebuilding the Wall 1 Where do I start Written Message: Feb 9 Rebuilding 1 Where Do I Start Study Notes: HomeGroupBibleStudy Feb 9
Feb 2nd Ange van der Leeuw AUDIO: I Will Build My Gathering Written Message: I Will Build My Gathering Feb 2nd 2014 Study Notes: Study Notes I Will Build My Gathering – Ange V Feb 2nd 2014
Jan 26th Pastor Alan AUDIO:What God Requires Written Message:Jan 26th What God Requires
Jan 19th Pastor Alan AUDIO: God is with us Written Message: Jan 19th 2014 God Is With Us
Jan 12th Pastor David AUDIO:Sowing Generously Written Message: Jan 12th 2014 Sowing Generously
Jan 5th Pastor Alan AUDIO: Good Stewards Written Message: Jan 5th 2014 Good Steward