Day TWO: Abram (Pt. 2)

Written by Pastor Steve

The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. (Genesis 12:1-2 NLT)

God’s call to Abram begins with a giant step into the unknown. Abram knows absolutely nothing about what the future holds. He’s lived in the same place his whole life. This is all he knows, and he is secure here. God says take all you have, everything you own and go – having no idea what tomorrow might bring.

Can you imagine some of those conversations with Abram’s friends as they prepare to leave all they have ever known.

So where are you going? No idea.
Do you even know which direction you’re going? Not yet.
How long till you’re back? I don’t know if we’re ever coming back.
You can’t try it for a bit first and come back if it doesn’t work? Nope.
You’re taking everything you own with you? Yeah.
Seriously – nothing left behind? Yep.
How is your wife and extended family feeling about this? Next question.
Are you sure this ‘God’ spoke to you? Certain. I’ll see you later.

Abram gets this far by hearing God’s call, but then reality hits. Taking that step of faith is hard because there are so many pre-conceived ideas to work through. Abram needs to sell this move to his wife, family, friends – and his current boss. He has to make sure the finances will work, the removalists are organised (even though we don’t have a destination!) and that he has enough food to sustain the animals for a while. There are so many unknowns on the journey of faith that can easily make it all ‘just too hard’.

As individuals and as a church, we want to be sensitive and available to God’s calling, but then reality hits. The budget still needs to be balanced and make sense. The new idea was great until it needs more volunteers and time, and doesn’t bear fruit on day one. We don’t want to offend people or change too fast. Taking the first step in faith is good, but it often brings ten more questions we don’t yet know how to answer.

Faith only makes any sense if you are willing to trust God for the first step – and then follow His leading for the rest that will surely come. The key is living so closely in relationship with God that the first step is clear, but you know that He can always be trusted for the next one that perhaps you can’t see just yet.

Question to Ponder: Faith is rooted in our ability to trust the character of God. Is that true of your life today?